Before I open up the behind-the-scenes commentary of “Stand and Wait”, I’d like to start out with an overview of the Tales of the Storyteller universe in its earliest stages. Falling to the Dark Side The series was called something else. I hesitate to reveal the title because it’s very spoilerish for what I plan …
Tag: writing
Jul 24
After my little trip to the ER yesterday, I’m still pretty sore. The only thing I’ll do this week is go refill some meds. I’m really not of the mind to do any writing. So the piece that I intended to submit to the monthly challenge won’t be ready. Dang.
Jul 17
What I’m Up To
It looks as if filling my jewelry box has drawn the attention of my long-missing muse. I don’t like making posts like this without having anything officially written down, but maybe this way I can see that there is actually something going on in my brain. First is something I have wanted to do for …
Feb 27
Due to sheer laziness, the story I wanted to do for the February challenge won’t be ready. Guh. 😐 I can’t really say I’ve made progress on trying to get a handle on what keeping me from writing. The only thing I found out was that the problem goes back a lot further then I …
Feb 13
Damage Report
Last year, I didn’t have a working computer for two months. Hurricane Irene came through in August, which took out the electricity for a day and a half. I kept my computer on all the time because if the power cut out for more than an hour, it would take popping the power switch on …
Feb 08
Too Many Times Around The Mountain
I was going to regale you all with a tale of woe, given as pitifully as I could. I was going to tell of the terrible travails of being a writer of 30-plus years and dealing with a persistent demon. I was going to relate all the problems I was having with The Captain’s Chair. …
Feb 07
What I’m Up To
Just a selection of what I’m working on now: • A major overhaul of the wiki. I’m updating the software, adding a few features and a good deal of new content. • I’m considering what to do about The Captain’s Chair. It isn’t dead, and I haven’t lost interest in it. There’s a few things …
Aug 08
Fragments – Talk to the Ship
Every so often I’ll put up fragments of old stuff that didn’t make it into posted stories. The fragment in this post dates from 2009. A lot of these exist from when I was working on Sydney Satterwhite’s backstory from her time on the Pennsylvania, way before I formally posted anything. It doesn’t give …
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