Category: News


Last night the flash drive I was using as a server went wonky. Some file or files got corrupted and Windows kept prompting to fix the file. Like an idiot I had put a program on it that was constantly on and I couldn’t shut it down to fix the problem. So I used the …

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Reconstruction and Other Stuff

Last year the only real work I was going to do on the Intrepid Trek site was to rebuild Sector Gamma (the wiki). Now I feel like I want to redo everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. All of Intrepid Trek and Am I biting off more than I can chew? Yeah, …

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What I’m Up To

It looks as if filling my jewelry box has drawn the attention of my long-missing muse. I don’t like making posts like this without having anything officially written down, but maybe this way I can see that there is actually something going on in my brain. First is something I have wanted to do for …

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Oh, Yeah!

Docking Bay #94 is open! Or should I say, is now occupied! No? It’s hard to think of something after you’ve been flipping back and forth between themes, trying to find something that works for you. I decided to keep it simple. Something with a little more substance coming soon.